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The Sępolno

The Sępolno Sepolno may be not the oldest district of Wroclaw, because its construction was began in 1919, but it is very interesting, especially form the bird's eye view. When one flies over this district in a tourist plane, the buildings arrange themselves in an eagle. The brave bird has got between its legs a tower of the former church proudly pointing the sky.

The name Sepolno The Sępolno is earlier then the buildings — before this elegant district was planned out here and built, a settlement in a document from 1288 existed in this place called Zemplin, then in 1353 Czympelin, at last in 1368 Semplino. Today Sepolno is the oasis of quiet and greenery, a pleasant place of walks in the shadows of old lime trees, or the Mickiewicz street, the former Adolf Hitler Strasse, once regarded as the most beautiful walking boulevard of Europe.

The Sępolno

Public transport:

  • buses: 145, 115
  • trams: 9, 12, 17

English Polski