A good friend of our’s, native French, came to Wroclaw almost 10 years ago on summer holidays and... he settled down for good. What is more, few years later his brother visited him, saw the sights, took in to a couple of night clubs, was astonished by the beauty of polish girls and... he stayed too. There is a reason why Wroclaw is being promoted throughout the whole world as The Meeting Place. It is a city of lovable people and lovable meetings, especially those on the The Lovers Bridge, where according to the tradition every meeting finishes with everlasting love. It is also a center of night-life, clubs, concerts, festivals, a place of students, where every fifth citizen has not finished 25 years of age. It’s a cultural metropolis with a history covering over 1000 years. Polish earnings and also Celtic, Roman, German and Czech meet here. Finally, it is a city of priceless monuments and marvelous, often unknown even among the citizens legends.
We would like to invite You sincerely to a virtual walk around our beautiful city of Wroclaw, where cultural and historical heritage is as magnificent and rich as its regional cuisine.