Kolor Hostel
ul. Kuźnicza 56/5, Wrocław
tel. +48 71 342 32 15
e-mail: kolor@kolorhostel.pl
Znajdujemy się w samym sercu Wrocławia, na skrzyżowaniu ulicy Kuźniczej z Kotlarską, pomiędzy głównym Rynkiem a Uniwersytetem - centrum kulturalno - rozrywkowym miasta. To wszystko stanowi znakomity punkt startowy do zwiedzania wszelkich atrakcji turystycznych. Nie wydawaj pieniędzy na taksówki i autobusy, z naszego Hostelu wszędzie dotrzesz pieszo!
Obsługujemy gości w języku polskim i angielskim.
Aktualnosci i promocje:
Zniżki dla studentów i osób uczących się.
Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in
/noclegi/library/Doctrine/Doctrine/Query/Tokenizer.php on line
Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in
/noclegi/library/Zend/Form.php on line
Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in
/noclegi/library/Zend/Form.php on line
Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in
/noclegi/library/Zend/Registry.php on line
Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in
/noclegi/library/Zend/Registry.php on line
Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in
/noclegi/library/Zend/Registry.php on line
Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in
/noclegi/library/Zend/Registry.php on line
Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in
/noclegi/library/Zend/Registry.php on line
Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in
/noclegi/library/Zend/Registry.php on line
Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in
/noclegi/library/Zend/Registry.php on line
Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in
/noclegi/library/Zend/Registry.php on line